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Dear colleagues

Scientific and practical network magazine "PGUAS Bulletin: construction, science and education" , Two times a year are published in Russian.

Subject of the magazine and heading:

Construction and architecture;

Road, construction and hoisting-and-transport cars;

Standardization and quality management ;

Pedagogical sciences;

Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs ;

The system analysis, management and information processing (on branches).

The optimum volume of the manuscript – 8-10 pages of the A4 format. A body type of article – Times New Roman, 14 pt through a one-and-a-half interval.

Contact information:

Address of the editorial office: 420028, Penza, German Titov St., house 28.

Tel/fax: 8(8412) 48-74-76.

E-mail: regas@pguas.ru, office@pguas.ru

Www-server address: vestnikpguas.ru

Editor-in-chief: adviser of PAACH, Dr.Sci.Tech., prof. Skachkov Yu.P.

Deputy chief editor: adviser of PAACH, Dr.Sci.Tech., prof. Danilov A.M.

Responsible secretary: Dr.Sci.Tech., prof. Garkina I.A.

The magazine is addressed to a wide range of experts, work and which interests are connected with questions of construction and architecture; road, construction and hoisting-and-transport cars; standardization and quality managements; pedagogical sciences; mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs; the system analysis, management and information processing (on branches).

The main requirements to articles presented for the publication in the magazine: article (except for reviews) has to contain new scientific results, correspond to subject and scientific level of the magazine and to be issued in full accordance with rules of registration of articles.

ПГУАС © 2015